I like him. He has fatherly voice and a humble person. When he talk, everyone will listen. Such inspiring man. Here I share what he said:
Activity Breed Productivity
Your choice really. If you choose to be lazy you will be lazy. He shared that in 1997, during the Asian financial crisis almost everyone out of job as recession was so bad. He met someone who open up a business and told him 'I choose not to participate in recession.' Maybe it is true as during 1997 crisis I was working with Willis (M) Sdn Bhd and for insurance broker we were not affected badly. In fact, I received salary increment :-)
Attitude are Dominant Thought
Definitely true. Have you read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne? It is all in your mind.
Foundation is the Hardest to Build
With strong foundation we can stay as long as we want. We also must find what works for us and work it.
Back to Basic
Hahaha..this I like the most as sometimes I forget the 5 circles of real estate negotiators:
1. Listings
2. Selling
3. Viewing
4. Buyer
5. Closing
To get to 5 we have to start with 1, and with 3 or 2 or 4 we sometimes will get the 1.
At the end of the day, it is not about the market, it is how you make your presence felt by the market.
With that, have a good day!
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