Monday 6 January 2014

Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite

Before deciding to be a full time real estate negotiator, I was doubting my ability to become one. You see, I'm one of procrastinators who truly enjoy less or zero stress working life. I love to have money into my bank monthly on the dot and spending it without thinking twice.  

However, I started to feel suffocated with monthly reports, daily traffic jam commuting from Shah Alam to Kuala Lumpur, and the money is not enough. But I'm afraid to start a new life as freelancer without fix income. I have commitment to pay and the prospect of zero income scaring me. A lot.

For months I'm thinking and calling everyone for advice but I just can't leave my 9-5 job. One day my husband bought me a book by Paul Arden - Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite. It blew my mind. I read it cover to cover in a day, putting mark at every pages all in the hopes that it would inspire me not to be afraid for change and face those things that scare us head-on, for better or worse. It delivered. It does.

Here I share the quotes that inspired me back in 2009. 

"It's the wrong way to think, but the right way to win"

“The world is what YOU think of it, so think of it DIFFERENTLY and your life will change.” 

“It's better to regret what you have done than what you haven't.” 

“Everything we do we choose. So what is there to regret? You are the person you chose to be.” 

“i wish means: would it be nice if...
i want means: if i want it enough i will get it.” 

“for a creative person starting out on a career, try not thinking about film or media or whatever. think about money. It honest”

“Life's all about 'me' anyway” 

 So I resigned. On my terms. I leave a full time job with stable monthly income and good perks. 

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