Saturday 14 February 2015


That is my 2015 gift from the husband. Apparently he is now encouraging me to start writing again commercially. My husband is the writer of Ask the Lawyer! series and also he wrote fiction with local publisher Fixi.  I have been berangan-ing to be a writer myself but too afraid to get it done. Maybe with this book I will find some pushing factor to write.

Anyway, back to the book.  It is an interesting and one good inspirational coffee book.  

So, if you are like me, stuck in rut and getting deeper into lazydom we definitely need something to fire up your gut and I hope this will help tremendously.

Basically the book teaches how to move forward by watching the people you admire adn copy their work. Copy how they do it. How their work schedule like, what inspire them, how they write and who they read.  Or if you like to paint and draw, find what make your idol special. Find it and copy it.  

Remember, if you copy from one it is plagiarism but if you copy from many it is called research.  Don't worry, you can't replicate your idol...slowly the real you will take over and that work will speak the loudest in your work. 

I find this advise is a bit not practical as I'm depending on my smartphone but I'm happy to give it a shot and been writing bit and pieces of my thought but not daily as I should.

The book shared how Jerry Seinfield is forcing himself to write everyday and using calendar to track all his writing.  So, from the daily jabbering surely there's some worth saving eh? 

Who am I kidding? Surprisingly it is in the book.  Important reminder.

Anyway, I wish I can publish my story before end of year and all I need now is lots of discipline to write it.

Wish me luck!  

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